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Parsley Benefits Your Health and Your Garden

Dried parsley, fresh parsley, in the ground, in containers, as a garnish, as a medicinal, the benefits of parsley for your health and your garden are many.  Parsley is an unassuming herb you just may want to start growing today! Good For You Our health can benefit greatly when we add parsley to our diets.  […]

Braided Egg Bread Recipe- the perfect breakfast loaf

 Why Egg Bread? Baking bread in general can be somewhat of an intimidating task.  But it doesn’t have to be.  With this easy Braided Egg Bread Recipe, you will be baking loaves of bread that will be a perfect breakfast loaf, be fit for fancy sandwiches, your families next Italian dinner night , or for our […]

Angel Food Cake Recipe – with Farm Fresh Eggs

If you have ever kept your own laying hens, you know that there is a time of year when you are over-run with beautiful, healthy, farm fresh eggs.    It’s winter and people seem to forget that you have fresh eggs.   Or, because, you are in between winter and spring market seasons.  Maybe, your cute […]